CoR will be off on holiday!

Just to get this out of the way – no, I’m not taking a break because of social media being a cesspool of misery it can be. I will be away for a month to go travelling exactly a month from now. Peru and Bolivia are very nice this time of year!

I have a myriad of reasons of taking a good break. Not going to mention them all! Basically, this is the best opportunity for me to do some long-distance travelling before delving into the world of careers and work again. This was all organised in January! Hopefully, I will return rejuvenated and inspired after meeting more wonderful people, speaking some Spanish, visiting Machu Picchu and eating alpaca steaks in Peru. Mainly the last one.

Indeed, I am travelling at a pretty poor time for any snooker blogger during the greatest event in the snooker calendar, the World Championships at the Crucible in Sheffield. A sacrilege, I know.

I’ll be away for a portion of it and I will be keeping in touch with my slightly more ill-informed interpretation of the results. Maybe bringing snooker into a conversation of strangers will become a running joke of the entire trip? Goodness knows. But it will mainly involve pictures of my travels in Peru and terrible selfies of my sunburnt face, if you are lucky. I might even end up being chased by a herd of llamas across a field. Probably.

I have already written some snooker-related articles in advance. Hopefully I can write them and schedule them before I leave. Not too many articles but certainly a few for you to keep busy. But then you will have one eye on the World Championships on TV and rightly so.

So I will leave in late-April and I will see you in late-May. But that does not mean I will stop publishing content until then. With the China Open, World Championship Qualifiers coming up, there is plenty to write about!