Some of you may have noticed that I published an article, announcing that I would do a series of articles on John Higgins and the match-fixing allegations. This was meant to be my summary on what happened, what was said, what I think and how does it compare to other cases.

Well, I’ll be discontinuing this series; I’m afraid.

This is for a number of reasons I found between publishing the article to deleting it altogether (basically an hour). A lot of people didn’t like the fact that someone is bringing up that controversy again. The entire episode was debated to death, so why bring it up again? I only wanted to talk about it was because I don’t know the nitty gritty of it and I wanted to write about it through my personal view. Not intending to paint anyone, especially World Snooker and John Higgins in a bad light, obviously. So I’ve had a fair bit of a mixed/negative reaction. Thankfully, none of the swearing kind but more of the concerning kind!

One of the major reasons why I’ve decided to scrap the idea this season was because I realised my lack of experience in writing something so controversial and high-profile. I have been warned to be careful with what I would write about this subject, for legal reasons as well as grammatical ones. Especially since I would be writing on something I have not much knowledge about, I can’t risk anything bad happening if I note down something incorrect, for example. I am no journalist. I quickly realised that I was slightly out of my depth on this occasion.

After all, this is just a hobby of mine, and I don’t want to stress myself out so much that it will overwhelm me, basically. I’ve taken the decision to withdraw the series. My apologies to those who weren’t happy about this being brought up again and to those who were looking forward to it. I appreciate the feedback and hope to move this forward quickly! We are all wiser after the event.

I didn’t have a Plan B of what series I can do to replace it at the moment. I want to put as much effort into those series of articles like ‘Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves’ last season and I don’t want to write and publish something that is half-arsed. Hopefully, I may do one this season and if not, it will definitely happen next season.

In the meantime, there will be more previews, countdowns, featured articles and many lovely things coming your way!

Kind regards,