UPDATE: What to do with my blog now?

I’ve started doing this blogging lark 3 months ago and culturally and politically it is a very odd time, what with Donald Trump, Brexit and an increasing death rate of celebrities on one hand (tough being a young liberal, huh?), and Tim Peake, Olympic success and Leicester City winning the Premiership on the other. I am tempted enough to create a petition to make sure that the government creates an immortal bubble specifically for Sir David Attenborough – just to prevent 2016 from getting any worse than it already has.


I mean, just look at this majestic beast! And the butterfly is alright too.

It was only until recently when I reached the 100-follower mark and to be honest, I am flattered. I am very glad that there are many followers that read my articles, commented on them, gave good feedback (even one from a BBC journalist!) and got into random discussions and punnery. Many followers came and went from those relating to Gorons and candles to ‘True Jihad’ and fake profiles (yes, I am looking at you @SnookerCaroline). But I am grateful that the snooker Twitter community are also able to have some good banter – for that I am appreciative and long may it continue.

Which means I need to do two things since you guys tempted me to carry this on:

  1. To tell you what is coming up on my blog, amongst other things!
  2. To announce possible changes!

So, what articles and features are definitely coming for you to look forward to?

These are just some of the articles that will be written in 2017. Since I am actually going to snooker events this year, I’ll draw some random insight into the matches that I watch, how lovely the biscuits are and other anecdotes that are completely unrelated:

  • “Day at The Masters” – I got tickets to see Stuart Bingham vs. Joe Perry in the evening of 16th January. This will be my first experience of this tournament so I am looking important to it!


  • “Should Shoot-Out ever be a ranking event?” – this will be a big one once the unpopular change Barry Hearn made this year comes into the open again!
  • “I completed the marathon!” – at least that is what I hope the title what be written! I’m running the Brighton Marathon in memory of my grandmother and to raise money for Dementia UK. Wish me luck and I shall keep you posted with annoying tweets about how far I ran and how many times I buggered up my knee.


  • “Day at the World Championship” – another 7 pm start on 15th April, which I am seriously looking forward to it – indeed I have never been to the event and I don’t think even Sheffield, so we will see how it goes. There will be some proper analysis on one particular game!
  • “Are the young generation of players overtaking the old guard?” – the likes of Higgins, O’Sullivan and Morgan are proving otherwise so far – but will that continue?
  • “Progression in women’s snooker and the future” – would love to do something on this!

What possible changes could happen next year?

Quite a lot of things about this blog are completely unrefurbished. This is only because I wanted to give snooker blogging and ‘avoiding confrontations when logged onto Twitter’ a try and didn’t want to put everything in one basket and not like it. Fortunately, I do enjoy all of that – so here are a list of changes that could help progress my blog.

Anyone reading this (a select few it seems!) has any feedback at all, please let me know at clusterofredssnookerblog@yahoo.com:


  • Name Change – to make it clear, I’m keeping the ‘Cluster of Reds’ name. The only thing I may do is the abbreviate it a little to: ‘C.O.R Snooker Blog.’ This is just so I am more reachable to budding snooker fans by putting the word ‘snooker’ in its name and it rolls off the tongue better. What do you think?
  • Facebook – I have set myself up a Facebook page for my blog. I have asked around and I was recommended to do so to broaden the blog’s horizons. Nothing has been written yet, but here it is: https://www.facebook.com/clusterofredssnookerblog/
  • Talk about more random stuff – rather than just talk about snooker, which I fell into the trap of earlier – just simply talk about other things. This is a rather stupid thing to bring up but since I do lack in common sense I just need to point that out!
  • Website Tweaks – these will be a series of changes. Changing my ‘About’ page, adding a calendar, adding a rankings table, maybe even the website format, for example. If you guys can give me suggestions of what you would like to see in a diddy snooker blog, please let me know!

So, lots to get on at some point in time. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you will have a wonderful new year! Thanks again, you lovely lot!
